
Request on Extension of Revision Period until 1 Week

Alhamdulillah, an official notice has manifested and clarified on the implementation of 7 days Revision Period, prior to End-Of-Semester Examination.

The issuance of the notice was made by Academic Affairs Division after Deans' Council meeting on 13th April 2012. However, particularly, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) has refused to implement the extension for this semester since AIKOL is of the view that it is too drastic and may affect many matters and procedures within the kulliyyah.

On the other hand, kulliyyah which have agreed to implement this extension, for instance Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (KIRKHS) and Institute of Education (INSTED) have discretion either to totally implement or depending on the lecturers' consent. Thus, any lecturer who is having any difficulties regarding the implementation, they may forward their refusal to the Dean of respective kulliyyah.

Next semester, IIUM will be having one week Revision Week, which is similar to other universities in Malaysia, as of the time being.

Here, we would like to express our highest gratitude especially to our Honourable Rector, Prof. Dato' Sri Dr. Zaleha Kamaruddin, Prof. Dato' Dr. Md. Tahir Azhar , Deputy Rector (Academic Affairs and Planning) and Asst. Prof. Dr. Shamsul Jamili Yeob, Deans of Admission and Records Division (AMAD) for your kindness and commendable responds to the students' voices.

Also not to forget, our highest gratitude to all individuals who are directly and indirectly involve in this request of Extending Revision Period.

To all IIUM communities, congratulations for this end result. May it benefits all of us. Insya Allah.