

[1]          Sedar atau pun tidak, kita kini sudah berada di penghujung bulan Rejab. Bulan yang padanya telah berlaku suatu peristiwa penting  dalam sejarah umat Islam, yakni  Isra’ dan Mikraj. Peristiwa ini berlaku  pada tahun ke-11 selepas kenabian Rasulullah SAW. Peristiwa ini merupakan bukti kukuh tentang keagungan dan kebesaran  Allah SWT, dalam memperjalankan hambaNYA (Rasulullah SAW) dari Masjidil Haram ke Masjidil Aqsa Baitul Maqdis di Palestin. Seterusnya, Rasulullah SAW telah di angkat ke langit untuk menghadap Allah SWT pada malam yang amat bersejarah itu. Sebagaimana Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud:

“Maha Suci Allah yang telah memperjalankan hambaNYA(Muhammad) pada malam hari dari Masjid Al-Haram (Makkah) ke Masjid al-Aqsa (Palestin), yang KAMI berkati disekelilingnya, untuk memperlihatkan tanda-tanda(kekuasaan dan kebesaran) KAMI. Sesungguhnya Allah jualah Yang Maha Mendengar Lagi Maha Mengetahui”
(al-Isra’: 1)

[2]          Sesungguhnya peristiwa tersebut telah memberikan implikasi yang besar kepada keimanan dan keyakinan Umat Islam, terhadap kebenaran kenabian Nabi Muhammad SAW, melalui bukti Mukjizat akan Kekuasaan Allah SWT. Kesan daripada itu, berlaku penafian dan tempelakan daripada kalangan umat Islam yang masih nipis Imannya dan lebih-lebih lagi mereka yang masih dikabuti Samar jahiliyyah. Namun begitu, mereka yang utuh akan keimanannya, tetap mempercayai tentang kebenaran yang dituturkan melalui lidah suci Rasulullah SAW. Sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh Sayyidina Abu Bakar as-Siddiq, yakni orang yang pertama yang membenarkan peristiwa tersebut, sehingga beliau digelar sebagai “as-Siddiq” yang bermaksud “Orang Yang Benar”.

[3]          Serangan Jahiliyyah Moden kini semakin menggila, sehingga amukan gejala sosial dan keruntuhan akhlak dalam pelbagai bentuk di Negara ini, menyebabkan kita sering hilang arah pedoman untuk mengatasinya. Saya yakin dan percaya bahawa sekiranya Umat Islam mampu meneladani akan peristiwa kebenaran Isra’ Mikraj, InsyaAllah kita mampu mengatasi  segala kebejatan sosial dan kemungkaran berlaku di sekeliling kita.  Sesungguhnya, peristiwa Isra’ dan Mikraj merupakan satu ujian dalam proses pemisahan antara mereka yang benar-benar beriman kepada Allah dan RasulNYA dengan mereka yang masih rapuh Imannya serta mereka masih berada dalam gelapnya kekufuran.

[4]          Demi memperingati peristiwa Isra’ dan Mikraj ini, marilah sama-sama kita saling  mengingatkan agar kita melaksanakan segala tuntutan dan suruhanNYA, serta meninggalkan segala laranganNYA. Bagi mereka yang bergelut dalam kancah kemaksiatan, maka sedar dan insaflah serta kembalilah kepada jalan yang benar. Bertaubatlah dengan sebenar-benar taubat, mudah-mudahan cara hidup yang mendatang akan di naungi oleh Redha Allah SWT.

[5]          Akhirul kalam, marilah sama-sama kita mahu dan mampu merenung Firman Allah SWT dalam Surah al-Israk ayat 60, yang bermaksud:

“Dan Tiadalah KAMI menjadikan (pada malam Mikraj) yang telah KAMI perlihatkan kepadamu melainkan sebagai suatu ujian bagi manusia; dan(demikian juga kami jadikan) pokok yang yang di laknat di dalam al-Quran; dan KAMI beri mereka takut(dengan berbagai-bagai amaran) maka semua itu tidak menambahkan keimanan mereka melainkan dengan kekufuran yang melampau-lampau”



[1]          Sebagai Muslim, kehidupan kita adalah berlandaskan Syariat yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah berasaskan kepada Akidah, Syariah dan Akhlak. Namun ada di kalangan kita yang lalai dalam melaksanakan perintah Allah S.W.T. Justeru, Allah mengutuskan Rasul dengan tujuan memperingatkan manusia agar mentauhidkan Allah dan melaksanakan segala titah perintahNYA.

[2]          Kini, tugas para rasul terdahulu menjadi tanggungjawab kita bersama sebagai Muslim dalam melaksanakan Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar. Amanah ini meliputi semua individu dalam meletakkan manusia di atas Paksi Kebenaran. Sebagaimana Firman Allah S.W.T menerusi Surah at-Taubah Ayat 71 yang bermaksud:

“Dan orang-orang yang beriman, lelaki dan perempuan, setengahnya menjadi penolong bagi setengahnya yang lain; mereka menyuruh berbuat Kebaikan, dan melarang daripada berbuat kejahatan; dan mereka mendirikan sembahyang dan memberi zakat, serta taat kepada Allah dan RasulNYA. Mereka akan diberi Rahmat oleh Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana”

[3]          Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Mungkar hendaklah dilaksanakan oleh semua peringkat masyarakat. Melakanakan Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Mungkar hendaklah mengikut keutamaan iaitu dengan Kuasa, Ucapan, Nasihat dan Peringatan. Atau sekurang-kurangnya setiap muslim perlu membenci kemungkaran di dalam hatinya. Sebagai mana sabda rasullullah S.A.W yang bermaksud:

“Barangsiapa yang melihat kemungkaran, maka hendaklah ia mengubah dengan tangannya. Jika tidak mampu, hendaklah ia mengubah dengan lisannya. Jika tidak mampu, hendaklah ia mengubah dengan hatinya. Yang demikian itu adalah selemah-lemah Iman”

[4]          Kita lupa bahawa sikap tidak peduli ini dan kegagalan melaksanakan tuntutan Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Mungkar sebenarnya mengundang bencana dalam hidup kita dan menjemput kemurkaan Allah Yang Maha Keras SeksaanNYA. Marilah kita renungi dan mengambil iktibar akibat dan bencana yang berlaku pada Umat manusia yang meninggalkan tuntutan ini. Antaranya:


“Orang-orang Kafir dari Bani Israel telah dilaknat melalui lidah Nabi Daud dan Nabi Isa Ibni Maryam. Demikian itu disebabkan mereka menderhaka dan selalu melampaui batas. Mereka antara satu sama lain tidak pernah mencegah tindakan mungkar yang mereka lakukan. Sesungguhnya amatlah buruk apa yang mereka telah lakukan”


Dalam sebuah hadis daripada Ibnu Abbas R.A bahawa rasulullah S.A.W bersabda:

“Bukanlah daripada kalangan kami sesiapa yang tidak mengasihi kanak-kanak dan menghormati orang tua dan tidak pula menyuruh kepada kebaikan dan mencegah kemungkaran” (Riwayat at-Tarmizi)


Hakikat ini disebut dalam sebuah hadis daripada Huzaifah bin al-Yamanbahwa Rasullah S.A.W bersabda:

“Demi jiwaku ditanganNYA, hendaklah kamu terus menyuruh kepada kebaikan dan mencegah kemungkaran atau jika tidak dibimbangi Allah akan mengutuskan satu azab ke atas kamu kerananya. Kemudian jika kamu berdoa kepadaNYA, tidak pula akan diperkenankan doamu itu
(Riwayat at-Tarmizi)

[5] Justeru, Students’ Representative Council (SRC) IIUM, Kuliyyah Based Society (KBS) dan Dakwah Based Society (DBS) mengajak seluruh Komuniti UIAM meliputi seluruh Mahasiswa, pihak pentadbiran, para pensyarah, staf-staf, dan pihak keselamatan UIA agar turut sama-sama turun ke lapangan demi “Mengekalkan Biah Solehah Bumi UIAM” yang selari dengan salah satu tonggak Misi UIAM iaitu “Islamization”.




 "The bright minds that join Teach For Malaysia will share a profound learning experience that enables them to shape and inspire leaders of tomorrow"
 - Shahnaz Al-Sadat, Executive Director, Khazanah Nasional Berhad 

Dear IIUM students,
If you consider yourself to be a leader in your generation, with the power to inspire and lead change in the lives of others, you may be who we're looking for.

The Teach For Malaysia Fellowship is a highly selective, challenging and rewarding two-year graduate career programme focused on addressing education inequity in Malaysia through the efforts of outstanding youth leaders.

We invite applications from exceptional Malaysian students in their final year of study and young professionals who want to pioneer this exciting mission and begin their career driving real impact and long-term change. Teach For Malaysia Fellows will teach in high-need schools in Malaysia to significantly transform the academic achievement, aspirations and outcomes of their students. They will receive intensive training and support as they take on huge responsibility and tackle a steep learning curve. They will accelerate their skills and career development, gaining tremendously through amazing personal and professional growth opportunities.

Best of all, they will directly impact the lives of children in high-need communities and understand what it takes to solve education inequity. After the two years, Fellows will join an influential national and global alumni platform, becoming leaders in the private, social and public sectors to expand education opportunity for all children in Malaysia and the world.


Find out more about this incredible opportunity and meet Teach For Malaysia staff to discuss your questions at our Tea Time Discussion at International Islamic University Malaysia:

Date:      Tuesday, 21st June
Time:      5.00 - 6.00 pm
Venue:   Students’ Representative Council (SRC) Office, Level 4
                Rectory Building, IIUM (above Student Development Division)
                    *Light refreshments will be provided

Please RSVP by clicking here.
Those Who Can, Create History.

The next application deadline is on

Monday, 27 June 2011

As we review our applications on a rolling-basis, and have a pre-determined allocation for positions, applicants who submit their applications earlier will have a higher chance of receiving an offer to join Teach For Malaysia.

Teach For Malaysia is an independent social enterprise that is enlisting Malaysia's most promising future leaders in our mission to end education inequity. The Teach For Malaysia Fellowship is a two-year, full-time and fully paid leadership development programme modelled after the extremely successful Teach For America initiative. We are one of 19 partners of the prestigious global education network Teach For All .

Teach For Malaysia is selecting 50 of Malaysia's most outstanding future leaders for our inaugural intake in January 2012.  

For more information please visit our website or write to us at



SRC Open Day >>


15th June 2011 - SRC Open Day had been organised successfully by Public Relation Secretariat yesterday.
The objective of this programme were to ensure there are no gap between SRC & students and SRC-administration.This programme was also a medium to students gave their complaints or suggestion for any services in IIUM that could be voice out by SRC exco members to administration.

 Bro Iqbal and Bro Faris disscussed something with IRKSS president and exco members

 Bro Nik having disscussion with ICTSS and former SRC exco member,Azim Azman

Disscussion on Islamization issue with Prof Nik and Dr.Asiah

We would like to express our high appreciation to all guests of SRC Open day.Special thanks to Prof Nik Kamal,Deputy Rector of Students Affair and Dr.Nor Asiah ,Director of SDEV for coming to our programme.Also ,we want to thank all committees members who showed very high commitment to run SRC Open Day.Thanks!



14th June 2011-Chairperson Welfare Secretariat ,Hafizul Faris Che Razlan accompanied by Bro Nik Muhammad Hanis , Assistant Secretary 1 were having a meeting with Bro Megat Mohd Samsul Assistant Hostel Manager Mahallah Ali regarding requests from Bro Imran, who is a disable student (hand disability). He who stay at mahallah Siddiq had asked SRC to bring his requests which are to change mahallah from Siddiq to Mahallah Ali and to provide a parking for him in front of his block. 

After his requests has been rise up to Bro Megat Mohd Samsul (Assistant Hostel Manager Mahallah Ali ), it was approved by the Mahallah and they agreed to serve it as soon as possible. Therefore, Mahallah Authority agreed to serve  it as  concern to students welfare as their core service.

Bro Imran with Hafizul Faris

This is parking lot that had been decided as suitable place for bro.Imran park his car.Insyallah,this parking lot will paint as a reserve for disable student soon.tq

SRC  IIUM  2010/2011

Visit to Parliament


13th June 2011-Public Relation Secretariat had organized a visit to parliament today.The objective of this visit were to expose the students with legislative system in Malaysia and to have a good relationship with the ministers.29 students and Hj Azmi on behalf of SDEV were participating in this visit and we were being there by bus.

Today is the first day for Dewan Rakyat having its assembly and we watched the debate among MPs.Then, we visited Dewan Negara before having a session with Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah ,Deputy Minister of MOHE.

We going back to IIUM at 3pm .Alhamdulillah we got new experience been in Parliament and know how does it run.Thank you Parliament.

SRC Open Day

Don't forget SRC OPEN DAY !!

VENUE: SRC Office level 4 Main Auditorium building (above the previous Bank Muamalat)

DATE: 14 June 2011
TIME: 10am - 4pm

>Refreshments are provided<


see u there!! ^^,

Visit from SMKA(P) Kangar

Bismillahwalhamdulillah ,

11th June 2011-We had received a visit from SMKA(P) Kangar .The participants were 40 students from Persatuan Puteri Islam and accompanied by 2 teachers.We from SRC were conducted a motivational slot led by sister Mahirah A Rashid and accompany them visit the campus.

We were so happy to have a visit from Persatuan Puteri Islam SMKA(P) Kangar here and hope that you all will become a part of IIUM community soon,make sure that you choose IIUM as your first choice University!=)

Workshop On Improving Career Prospects

Workshop On Improving Career Prospects
19th June 2011
CAC Conference Room

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Waleed Fekry Faris

Organized by : International Affairs Secratariat

For any inquries regarding registraion and refund, Please contact -
Ibrahim Juneidi :0173137025


Video Part 1
Dialogue :Students-Admin

Visit From SMK Tanjung Lumpur


IIUM ,7th June 2011- SRCIIUM had received a visit from SMK Tanjung Lumpur,Pahang yesterday.Person in charge in this event were Syahril Uzair Sahmi bin Hameed , Siti Aminah bt. Mohd. Naim , Mimi Nor Syahudda binti Setapani and also Saiful Mat Amin, the President of Enginieus Society.

They were 40 students from SMK Tanjung Lumpur who participated in this short visit and accompanied by 3 dedicated teachers from this school.

We gave a briefing about this university regarding mission and vision of IIUM ,background of the university ,and programmes . At last , we had a sharing moment and Q&A sessions. SRC were glad to have a visit from SMK Tanjung Lumpur, thank you for choosing IIUM as your visit destination.

Kalau ada sumur di ladang,
Boleh saya menumpang mandi,
Kalau ada umur yang panjang,
Silalah datang lagi..

Thank you for coming to IIUM,see ya!!

Meeting with President of IIUM


Putrajaya,6th June 2011- we were having a meeting with IIUM President ,Tan Sri Sidek Hassan , which had been held at Bangunan Putra Perdana ,Putrajaya .This meeting was initiated by SRC IIUM President ,Mohamad Iqbal Ab Wahab and attended by SRC exco members , President of each KBS & MRC ,representative from disable student , Assistant Director of SDEV ,Bro. Amir Zahiruddin Kamal Pasha , Director of SDEV Dr Nor Asiah , and Deputy Rector of Student Affair Prof Nik Kamal.

The objective of this meeting were to promote good relationship between student leader & administration ,and to voice out welfare issues to our top level of administration.

Bro. Mohamad Iqbal Ab Wahab ,President of SRCIIUM in his speech had mentioned three points which were Islamization ,Internationalization and Welfare Issues.Tan Sri Sidek Hassan who also Chief Secretary to the government of Malaysia responed all of the issues,and give some advices also ideas to us.

We SRC for this tenure really hope to have a good relationship with administration so that our amanah as mediator of students-admin could be done successfully,insyaAllah.

Majlis Perundingan Pelajar Kebangsaan (MPPK)bil 1 2011


Last 1st till 3rd June 2011 ,4 of SRC exco members were attending Majlis Perundingan Pelajar Kebangsaan(MPPK).This programme was divided into two phases.First phase known as Pra-MPPK was held at Grand Pacific Hotel on 1st to 2nd of June 2011.There were 4 sessions , a session with Secretary General of MOHE Dato' Abdul Rahim , session with Prof Rujhan Director General of MOHE , Rehearsal of proposal presentation and at last we having a session with Deputy Minister Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah.

The second part was MPPK itself and it had been held at PWTC. MPPK is a medium to ensure that the idea of students is not limited in campus but could be voice out to the top level of the government led by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin , the Deputy Prime Minister.In this session ,5 of selected proposals from all of IPTA were presented. Proudly be informed that our proposal was one of the chosen and other 4 proposals come from USM ,UTM ,UMK and UPM .SRC IIUM president , Mohamad Iqbal Ab Wahab presented proposal titled "Mengantarabangsa Minda Mahasiswa Melalui Projek Kemanusian ".



Regarding to the issue of wild monkeys and stray dogs in sisters’ mahallah ( hafsah,ameenah and safiyyah).

2/6/2011:  WE had been reported the issue to the office of occupational safety and health unit. Since Bro. Ramlan, the person in charge, is not around. Then, WE had a meeting with Sis. Shikin. As a result, office staff will try their best to solve this problem.

WE hope all sisters can remain patient for now. InsyaALLAH WE will continue to get updates from the office of occupational safety and health unit if this matter remains unsettled.

SRC IIUM 2010/2011


To all Salahuddin residents:

Regarding the issue of qiblat in Musolla Salahuddin, Mahallah Office has taken their action by sending a letter to Majlis Fatwa Negeri Selangor (Selangor Council of Fatwa) in order to check for the true qiblat. The process will take at least 10 days. Then, SCoF will send their officer and they will decide a true qiblat and give us a certificate in order to make it binding to all.

So now, it is advisable for us to use the original Qiblat. However, those who are hesitate with it; they are free to follow their own ijtihad until the new qiblat has decided by the SCoF. Actually, that situation had happened in Mahallah Uthman previously, then the Mahallah Office of Mahallah Uthman made a report to the Jabatan Islam Selangor(JAIS) Selangor Islamic Department, after had a recheck for the true qiblat, they gave Mahallah Office a certificate together with a true direction of Qiblat. So, to all IIUM’s community, please handle this situation nicely and do not make any statement which makes this situation become worst.

Thank you.
