


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

On the light of the above matter, SRC IIUM would like to congratulate all volunteers and contributors of 'Donate a Dollar for Rohingya' which was held on 9th August 2012.

Alhamdulillah, within 24-hours, we managed to collect RM 2201.00 (which we had aimed for RM 2000) among IIUM Students..

The donation had been given to Malaysian Islamic Organisations Consultative Council (MAPIM) to be channeled to our Muslim brothers & sisters there. Allahuakbar!!

May all of us gain benefits and all the deeds be accepted as ‘Ibadah especially in this glory month of Ramadhan. Let us continuously pray for our Muslim brothers & sisters in Myanmar.

Ramadhan Kareem. Thank you. والسلام

     Prepared by,

     Secretary General
     Students' Representative Council 2010/2011
     International Islamic University Malaysia


Request on Extension of Revision Period until 1 Week

Alhamdulillah, an official notice has manifested and clarified on the implementation of 7 days Revision Period, prior to End-Of-Semester Examination.

The issuance of the notice was made by Academic Affairs Division after Deans' Council meeting on 13th April 2012. However, particularly, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) has refused to implement the extension for this semester since AIKOL is of the view that it is too drastic and may affect many matters and procedures within the kulliyyah.

On the other hand, kulliyyah which have agreed to implement this extension, for instance Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (KIRKHS) and Institute of Education (INSTED) have discretion either to totally implement or depending on the lecturers' consent. Thus, any lecturer who is having any difficulties regarding the implementation, they may forward their refusal to the Dean of respective kulliyyah.

Next semester, IIUM will be having one week Revision Week, which is similar to other universities in Malaysia, as of the time being.

Here, we would like to express our highest gratitude especially to our Honourable Rector, Prof. Dato' Sri Dr. Zaleha Kamaruddin, Prof. Dato' Dr. Md. Tahir Azhar , Deputy Rector (Academic Affairs and Planning) and Asst. Prof. Dr. Shamsul Jamili Yeob, Deans of Admission and Records Division (AMAD) for your kindness and commendable responds to the students' voices.

Also not to forget, our highest gratitude to all individuals who are directly and indirectly involve in this request of Extending Revision Period.

To all IIUM communities, congratulations for this end result. May it benefits all of us. Insya Allah. 


Recruitment Form for Subcommitees CONVEST'12


Dear brothers and sisters,

this year, once again, Students' Representative Council (SRC) 2010/2011 session is organising our most anticipated annual event, that is Convocation Fiesta 2012 (CONVEST 2012)

This program will be held, insyaallah on October 2012, in conjunction to our annual awe-inspiring event, that is truly the Convocation Ceremony.

Generally , this program is aiming to celebrate all the graduated students and at the same time to cheer up their success. As we all very well known, the Convocation Ceremony is a remark of an establishment of IIUM graduates.

Along with this event SRC is making its way in initiating this program in collaboration with clubs, societies and associations in IIUM in order to together celebrate all graduates and embracing the students of IIUM.

Thus, we are calling all of you who are committed, dedicated and sincere to work with us as a team in fulfilling our objectives.

Kindly register your name at this following link:

**only online registration will be entertained.

Any enquiries, directly contact our ready-to-serve PICs who are happy to assist you:

Sr. Noor Ashikin Ibrahim : 013-2851292
Br. Azwan Shari : 013-2829397

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

Brought to you by Students' Representative Council (SRC) 2010/2011


MyIC: Details

SRC is promoting MY IDEAL CAMPUS with 9 IDEAS:

1. Revision Period
* To seek from administration to lengthen the current revision period from 3 days to a week.

2. Registration System
* To request from administration not to change the schedule in a sudden without informing the students.
To request from the administration to allow students to do pre-registration first although the payment of their fees (during the current semester) are not done yet.
* To suggest the administration to prepare enough seats per class (40 seats).
* To ask the administration to add more server for pre-registration.
* To ask Admissions and Records (A&R) to paste notice on pre-registration a month before at each Kulliyyah so that students will aware about it.
* To provide a systematic study plan in each Kulliyyah similar to the systematic study plan in Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Law (AIKOL).

3. Wireless
* To propose from Information & Technology Division to upgrade the wireless system especially in Mahallah.

4. Mahallah Ali (Road)
* To request from Development Division to improve condition of road in front of Mahallah Ali.

5. Islamization Environment
* To ask administration to promote Islamic environment in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).

6. Facilities for students with special needs
* To request from administration to upgrade facilities for students with special needs at Mahallah & Kulliyyah especially for wheel chair students.

7. Bureaucracy
* To reduce red tapes in campus mainly on students' programme.
* To give more freedom to students in organizing events.

8. International Issues
*To propose for international representatives in Kulliyyah Based Societies and Mahallah Representative Councils.
* To request from Facilities, Food & Services Department (FFSD) for international outlets at each cafeteria in Mahallah.

9. Food prices.
* To ask Facilities, Food & Services Department (FFSD) to standardize the prices of food in all cafeterias in IIUM campus.
* To propose from FFSD on the food prices from students' perspective in which to involve students or Students' Representative Council (SRC) for the food prices.

We will update you for any progress, insya-AllahuTaa'la.

Prepared by,
SRC IIUM 2010/2011